Zedex 05
Well off I went to Zedex 05. The whole show was well attended and had plenty of exhibits.
Click on one of the thumbnails below to see a bigger full page version, if you click on the bigger pictures you can get to the original, but they are 2Mb each.
Adrian Campbell has taken some much better (he is a professional photographer so I'd hope they were) closeup photos. His pictures are on his website britishz.com

Diseux one
Name now confirmed

Milldale one
This name is a guess

Milldale two
This name is a guess

Milldale three
This name is a guess

Overview shot of the hall
Shot of the hall from the stage, more exhibits are behind

Diseux two
Overhead shot

Diseux three
View through the cantenary

Diseux four
View through the cantenary

Zob Hafen close up
Close up shot, note the accident with the shark

Zob Hafen with Brian Harrap
Brian Harrap moves a point (I think)

Black Rock Colorado one
Long train makes it's way

Black Rock Colorado two
More trains

Loosely Warren beach with sun seekers
Any one for Ice cream in this layout by Ann Silby

Loosely Warren train
Must be making banana splits then

Loosely Warren overview right
Overview right

Loosely Warren overview left
Overview left, nice to see the tennis court

Vicosprano one
Hopefully I've got the right layout here

Vicosprano two
I think so as Ian Pidcock runs Mount Tabor Models

Fantizie one
Fantizie by Peter McConnell (odd angle)

Fantizie two
Fantizie by Peter McConnell Slightly easier view

Fantizie three
Yet another view

Devon Bay Harbour one
Imaginative british layout

Devon Bay Harbour two
Lots of detail

Devon Bay Harbour three
All over the place

Dodileat Manor one
Nice amusement park ride use of Z

Dodileat Manor two
Complete with moving buses

Scourmont one
Ian Buck's layout

Scourmont two
Ian wished he'd brought a small oval to help warm the locos up

Albula one
Piers Milne peers over his swiss narrow gauge layout

Albula two
Another shot, This was the first day Piers had actually run trains on this part finished layout.

Blackrock accident
Problem with running long trains is occasional decoupling

Tony Ellary DCC demo layout
Close up of Tonys demo layout

Blackrock overview
Took this shot when sitting down having a coffee

Zob hafen overview
Overview shot of Zob Hafen once the crowds had gone

JustIn Case
Just in Case, Michael Gilkes. He had this hiding underneath Lennenstedt

Garden railway exterior
A look at the garden

Garden railway interior of house
A quick look inside, notice the layout in top left

Tony Ellary demonstrates DCC
Tony demonstrates DCC in Z

Demo of block control
Unknown visitor looks at Bob McGregors demonstration of MERG block control